“Jane By Design”


Alright.. Alright..

Hi there! 

This is my first blog post and I’m gonna talk about the first impression i got from watching “Jane By Design“.

So, I was woken up to eat sahur this morning, and heated up some pizzas and of course ate them.  Then, I was planning on going back to bed. But, my sister said “Hey, the show you’ve been wanting to watch is on! ” so I stayed for about an hour to watch it before heading back to the dream land..

The show was pretty interesting, although the story line is rather a bore to me. I really like the guys on the show. From Jane’s brother to her bff and her old time crush. They have this look that would just attract so many girl fans. I’m sure there is already some fan clubs for one of them.

When I was watching it, every few minutes I just keep saying “Aww“. The relationship between Jane and Billy (if I’m not mistaken he’s the bff) is so genuine and sweet. I’m so jealous of Jane’s life. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted by the time she was in high school, although she did have a rough beginning but she just kept chasing after her dreams. 

So, in conclusion, the show is quite great just because of the eye candies but not so much on the story line.